Corn I AM

  lets shuck these green folds of corn skin that cover me my kernel is sweet I am…. rows and rows of friends walking stiffly forward a drama unplanned, randomly perfect, an organised chaos I in my gold pants and flourishing breasts like waterfalls of flesh sun bleached dunes parting veils dripping butter smiling inContinue reading “Corn I AM”

Distraction of Sparks

  the phantom in it’s grotto grins upon a hexed cushion that stinks and smothers. Excessive rhythmic noise pounds gracelessly on my vestibule doors leaving fingerprints green with envy and moss. Reality flares, distress signals, sparking a heated tumbling and there is one choice ……… embrace transparency …..or ……..shut ………my ………………eyes    

Silver Poetry

All That Glitters Is Not Gold

Unfettered BS

it is all just bullshit anyway.....


Your Brain is a Radio that Does What its Told

Post Scriptum Poets

Haikus Senryus and Tankas about anything and everything

InkBlots and IceBergs

musings on life | bits of psychology | attempts at poetry

This and That

In other countries individuals go to jail and/or die for weblogging. While the bulk of this country makes the internet an extention of T.V.


Scripting the desires that are soul deep

Africa Zwelibanzi

The Poetry Monarch.

Jeffrey Pillow

I write things you may like


Texas Outlaw Poet

Purple Haze

Darkness, delusion, smeared with a stick of butter and laughter. Words collide, they bring forth death!

The Lonely Author

Pain goes in, love comes out.

The Realm

well, come on in. bite. chew. spit.

SouL SpeakS

He started Writing, The paper started speaking...

Poems Found

Once lost